Update On The Elons Project

Elons Token
2 min readSep 9, 2021

An update on the Elons project — Governance, Utility and more!

It has come to our attention that the community are not on the same page with the Elons project, and the future of the Okimoto platform.


Elons was originally ear marked to be the governance token of the Okimoto NFT Dex. This was changed a few weeks ago and announced in the Elons Telegram channel, the Okimoto platform will be stand alone platform with no governance token.

Governance tokens within NFT platforms have been very unsuccessful as there is not enough utility for the token to vote on. Projects like Opensea have become the standard for NFTs and there model does not include any governance, this is a standard Okimoto will follow.


The Elons token will offer many utility use cases included:

  • Weekly NFT Airdrops
  • ZWAP Rewards
  • Monthly Redeemable Item
  • Future Airdrop (Announcing Soon)

The token itself will still offer value to all token holders, with an exclusive airdrop coming very soon to all Elons token holders, this will be announced within the next 4 weeks.


We hope this helps clear up any questions the community has, if you have any more questions about Elons or the future you can join our Telegram group.

Useful Link:

Website- Elons.io

Token Information- https://zilstream.com/tokens/elons

Twitter- https://twitter.com/token_elon?lang=en

Telegram — https://t.me/joinchat/pKCkNdsCsJFmNDhk

